Pigtronix Disnortion
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The unique magic of the Pigtronix OFO Disnortion is parallel Fuzz and Overdrive, allowing you to pile on the gain without sacrificing clarity, dynamic response, punch or low end. Well voiced tone and shape controls allow you to focus each effect on its own frequency range. The Octava effects pedal is wired in series before the Overdrive and Fuzz, allowing the guitar pedal to produce a unique type of gated, gnarly grind that is absolutely devastating. A buffered output provides a clean signal for parallel processing, direct recording or a side-chain trigger source for the Pigtronix EP-1.
Overdrive: There has never been an Overdrive quite like this. The Pigtronix Overdrive responds to the dynamics of your playing using a proprietary, 5-stage gain architecture that retains the natural tone of your instrument, while gradually breaking up as you play louder. The circuit is so touch sensitive, it has been described as …more tube than tube.” You must hear it to believe it! From clean or gritty boost right up through Plexi roar, the Pigtronix Overdrive is the most musical overdrive ever made.
Fuzz: massive gain, full bodied sustain and flexible tone shapes define the fuzz effect. Pigtronix’s unique version of diode-clipping provides plenty of compression and controllable feedback while preserving the dynamics of your playing style. The rotary tone control switch provides 6 musical EQ curves: Bass, Scoop, Treble, Smooth, F.A.T., and Full Range. The Pigtronix fuzz can go from clean boost to hair raising, shred fisted, freak out pandemonium!
Octava: Based on the classic Tycobrahe Octavia, this frequency doubler effect adds a note one octave up. A filter control allows you to achieve singing octave up tones without adjusting your guitar’s tone control. Stable intervals such as 4ths and power chords result in knarly, tweezed out grind, while other intervals create ring modulator textures in all registers. The Octava is wired in series with the other 2 effects for harmonic filled lead tones and outlandishly bizarre crunch. Combine the Octava with both fuzz + overdrive and… fuggettaboutit!